Even as you work towards the same goals, you can hate and betray each other. Even if you surrender, you can't stop fighting. Even if you save the day, you can't save everyone. Remember how the conflict in episode #1 seemed almost accidental in origin? By episode #23, the conflict has grown so large that no matter what anyone says or does, the fighting will continue, and the consequences are always serious.
#Space runaway ideon tomino death series
Once you get to episode #23, the tone changes, and the series discovers its purpose. The plot is sometimes stitched together with crude seams, but at other times it flows quite well. Tensions between the main characters are handled with respect, and most of the main cast develops quite wonderfully, even if it seems a bit slow. But there are also episodes where the show takes itself seriously. Animations are reused heavily, early plots mostly follow a predictable formula (land on new planet, aliens attack with new strategy, mech pilots save the day), the characters can be hard to like, and you get tired of the revolving door of villains. At its core, the show is a series of 22-minute commercials for toys which haven't been sold in decades for a country on the other side of the world. The problem with Ideon becomes apparent as soon as you watch the first episode.

While the TV show is a bit slow at times, A Contact and Be Invoked try to cram everything together. This may be fine for you: you'll get skip some of the repetitive bits of the series, but you'll also skip characterization. Let's get this out of the way first: you CAN skip the TV series and just watch A Contact (the compilation movie) followed by Be Invoked (the new and improved ending). You're probably interested in this series because of the movie's reputation, and you're wondering if the TV show is worth watching.